A love of story and art inspired Alison into drawing and writing from early childhood. Edgar Rice Burroughs and his Tarzan and Warlord of Mars books hooked her on reading, and Marvel’s Uncanny X-men Issue #114 lured her into the world of comic books. What other medium better combines both writing and art into fantastic stories? This love of story motivated Alison to study Book Illustration at Sheridan College and graduate with a degree in Illustration in 1988. After working for some years in the independent comics arena, Alison and her brother, A. Jaye, decided to take the risk and form their own company, SillWill Studios, based in their hometown of London, Ontario, Canada. Their first publication was the fantasy-adventure, four issue mini-series The Sorcerer’s Children. From there, they then moved on to full-blown graphic novels. Also inspired by their own beloved dog, Sam, Alison asked A. Jaye to develop a science-fiction adventure for children featuring their pet and The Adventures of Astrodog was born. 

When not writing or illustrating I get to be distracted by Tars Tarkas, my insane cat.

As an illustrator, Alison has developed two distinctive styles; one is more realistic and the second is definitely cartoony. The project decides the style she chooses to use and why there are such different looks to the main offerings from SillWill Studios. In addition to illustration, Alison recently released her first novel, The Witch’s Foundling, a gothic fantasy set in late 19th century England. It’s available on all major platforms in ebook, paperback and hardcover. Outside of comics and writing, her love for mythology and animals has inspired her to produce other works along those lines whenever the ideas strike her. You’ll be able to catch some of those sketches and illustrations in the Gallery section.

Some of my Favourite Illustrations!

Valentine Dragon

Back-to-school Dragon

Halloween Dragon
St. Patrick’s Day Dragon

Graidon the evil sorcerer
Jack O’ the Green
Medusa’s Valentine
The Leprechaun Catcher

All of the above designs are available on various products through our store. Check it out, HERE.