SillWill Land #12 “When your Motivation to goes POOF!”

We’ve all been there. Those days when the motivation to work on our “art” is weak to non-existent. In his book, “The War of Art”, writer Stephen Pressfield, speaks of “Resistance” in such cases. In his theory, this force is a very real thing that works against your plans to pursue your creative goals. Resistance wants you distracted and/or struggling; it feeds off it in a way. That’s one idea anyway. In my book, you get a visit from the Fairy Godmother of Meh! Case in point, our friend Ralph Elfalfa in the magical land of Ding Dong Dell…

Next week the Doodle-story of Ralph and his struggle with the Fairy Godmother of Meh continues. Luckily, even our lazy, little elf has friends nearby to help him out. Can he escape the curse of the Fairy Godmother of Meh?

One skill in these situations it helps to develop, is the ability to discern when you’ve got a case of the “Meh”s and when you just need a break. At SillWill Studios I find my creativity can get a boost by indulging in some great reading. Like in our graphic novels! Find them here! Whether you like fantasy adventure as in The Sorcerer’s Children or the sci-fi swashbuckling of The Adventures of Astrodog, we’ve got you covered!