SillWill Land #14 “Path to the Potluck”

I’ve been swept up in a number of personal responsibilities so I thought I would repost a funny diversion until I can get back to you about my main focus. Hope you like it.

I always know when I need a break from writing my novel when my mind insists on wandering down sometimes ludicrous paths. After reading the above, I hope you know what I mean. Of course, I do still wonder what it would be like to go to a Superhero Potluck. What would you bring?

If you’d like to take your own stroll down the path of an entertaining diversion, consider checking out our graphic novels like the fantasy trilogy The Sorcerer’s Children and dive into magical adventure in the land of the Twin Kingdoms. Or leap into sci-fi hijinks with The Adventures of Astrodog. If you like dogs, especially dogs on the moon, those graphic novels are for you!